Privacy policy

Data Controller

Responsible for the Treatment: Comunidad de Propietarios Avd. Diagonal Nº3, (Centro Comercial Diagonal Mar)
Postal Address: Avd. Diagonal nº3. C.P. 08019 Barcelona.
Telephone: 935677637



Community of Owners Avd. Diagonal Nº3, (Diagonal Mar Shopping Center) only processes the personal data indicated below:


A. Data Collected through the website

Purpose: Respond to requests for information and contact sent through emails and contact forms on the website.

Conservation: The personal data provided will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it is collected and to determine the possible responsibilities that may arise from the purpose.

Legitimation: Legitimate interest of the Data Controller to respond to emails or requests for information made by the interested party.

Recipients: The communication of personal data is not planned except in cases established by a legal obligation.

Methods of Obtaining: The personal data we process has been obtained from the interested party himself.

The categories of data processed are the following:

  • Identification data
  • Contact information

No specially protected data is processed


B. Coordination of Business Activities and Risk Prevention

Purpose: Prevention of occupational risks, coordination of business activities and management of the shopping center

Conservation: The data will be kept during the prescription periods established by the Law on infractions and sanctions in the social order (4 years)

Legitimation: Compliance with a legal obligation. Art. 24 of Law 31/1995 on Occupational Risk Prevention and R.D. 171/2004

Recipients: The communication of personal data is not planned except in cases established by a legal obligation.

Methods of Obtaining: The personal data we process has been obtained from the interested party or the legal person responsible for the company.

The categories of data processed are the following:

  • Identification data
  • Contact information

No specially protected data is processed


C. Lease Contracts

Purpose: Management and execution of lease contracts for business premises and common spaces

Conservation: The data will be kept for the duration of the lease contract and the subsequent fifteen years according to the prescription periods established in the Urban Leasing Law.

Legitimation: Execution of the lease contract signed between both parties

Recipients: The communication of personal data is not planned except in cases established by a legal obligation.

Methods of Obtaining: The personal data we process has been obtained from the interested party or the legal person responsible for the leasing entity.

The categories of data processed are the following:

  • Identification data
  • Contact information
  • Income details and bank details

No specially protected data is processed


D. Service Provision

Purpose: Provision of services to shopping center users (e.g. loan of strollers, chairs, high chairs, etc.)

Conservation: The data will be kept for a maximum period of 1 year.

Legitimation: Execution of the contract for the provision of the services requested by the interested party.

Recipients: The communication of personal data is not planned except in cases established by a legal obligation.

Methods of Obtaining: The personal data we process has been obtained from the interested party himself.

The categories of data processed are the following:

  • Identification data
  • Contact information

No specially protected data is processed


E. Complaints, Suggestions and Claims

Purpose: The data provided through the complaint, suggestion or claim forms will be processed for the management of the complaint, suggestion or claim made by the interested party.

Conservation: Data will be kept for 1 year. (Art. 1968 of the Civil Code) unless said data is necessary to address a claim or exercise of rights in which case it will be maintained until its completion.

Legitimation: The legitimation of the treatment is based on the satisfaction of legitimate interest by the Data Controller, consisting of the response and improvement of the satisfaction of the users of the center who make their complaints.

Regarding claims that involve some type of personal or property damage, the legitimacy for the treatment is based on compliance with a legal obligation (art. 1902 of the Civil Code) and Law 50/1980 of the Insurance Contract.

Recipients: The data obtained from complaints and suggestions will not be communicated to third parties except in the cases expressly contemplated by current legislation.

The data obtained from claims will be communicated to the insurance companies and brokerages necessary for the processing of the claim, as well as in the rest of the cases established by a legal obligation.

Methods of Obtaining: personal data that we process have been obtained from the interested party himself

The categories of data processed are the following:

  • Identification data
  • Contact information
  • Data related to the complaint or claim
  • Personal injury suffered (personal injury claims only)

In the case of claims that include personal injuries, data relating to people’s health may be processed, e.g. reports of injuries.


F. Playroom Service

Legitimation: The legitimation of the processing is based on the execution of the contract for the provision of the toy library services requested by the interested party.

Recipients: No data will be transferred to third parties except legal obligation

Methods of Obtaining: The personal data we process has been obtained from the interested party and/or father, mother, guardian or caregiver of the minor.

The categories of data processed are the following:

  • Identification data of the father, mother, guardian or caregiver of the minor
  • Identification data of the minor

No specially protected data is processed


G. Events, contests, offers or promotions

Purpose: The personal data collected through the participation forms in events, contests or promotions will be processed for the purpose of managing the participation of the interested party in them.

Likewise, if you provide us with your consent, we will use the data provided for the purpose of sending you information by postal and/or electronic means about the activities, offers and promotions of the shopping center or the businesses installed therein.

Conservation: Personal data for sending information will be kept until deletion is requested by the interested party. The rest of the information will be kept for a maximum period of five years.

Legitimation: The processing of your data is necessary for the execution of contractual obligations derived from the interested party’s request to participate in the event, contest, offer or promotion (Art. 6.1.b RGPD). The legitimizing basis for the processing of your data for the purposes of sending information from the Shopping Center will be your consent (Art. 6.1.a) When you have authorized it.

Recipients: No data will be transferred to third parties except legal obligation

Methods of Obtaining: The personal data we process has been obtained from the interested party himself.

The categories of data processed are the following:

  • Identification and contact information

No specially protected data is processed


H. Mobile app

Purpose: We will process the personal data of the users of our mobile application in order to provide you with information about the news, offers, promotions, events and contests of the shopping center or the businesses installed therein.

If you allow our app to access your location, the data we collect will be processed for the purpose of informing you about offers, promotions, news, events and promotions from our shopping center.

The data collected through our app will be used to develop a commercial profile based on said information. This profile will be used to inform the interested party of offers, promotions, news best suited to your tastes and interests.

Conservation: The personal data of the interested party will be kept until deletion is requested by the interested party.

Legitimation: The legitimation of the treatment is based on the consent of the interested party provided during the installation process of the application

Recipients: No data will be transferred to third parties except legal obligation

Methods of Obtaining:

The personal data we process have been obtained from the interested party himself.

The categories of data processed are the following:

  • Identification data
  • Geopositioning data

No specially protected data is processed


I. Video surveillance

Purpose: the personal data collected by our video surveillance system will be processed with the purpose of preserving the security of the facilities, goods and people of the Shopping Center.

Conservation: The personal data of the interested party will be kept for a maximum period of 30 days, unless said data is necessary to address a claim or exercise of rights in which case it will be kept until the end of the claim.

Legitimation: The legitimation of the treatment is based on the legitimate interest of the person responsible for the treatment (protection of facilities, goods and people of the Shopping Center

Recipients: In the event of commission of criminal acts, the images obtained will be communicated given to the state security forces and bodies. Outside of these cases, data will not be transferred to third parties except under legal obligation.

Methods of Obtaining: The personal data processed were obtained from the interested party through the video surveillance system.

The categories of data processed are the following:

  • Images

No specially protected data is processed


J. Email List Subscribers

Purpose: Send you information of interest about activities, offers and promotions of the shopping center or the businesses installed therein.

Preparation of a commercial profile to send you information adapted to your tastes and interests about activities, promotions and news of the shopping center that best suit your tastes and interests

Conservation: The personal data of the interested party will be kept until deletion is requested by the interested party.

Legitimation: Consent of the Interested Party

Recipients: The communication of personal data is not planned except in cases established by a legal obligation.

Methods of Obtaining: The personal data we process has been obtained from the interested party himself.

The categories of data processed are the following:

  • Identification data
  • Contact information

No specially protected data is processed



K. Subscribers to the email list subscribed before May 25, 2018

Purpose: Send you information of interest about activities, offers and promotions of the shopping center or the businesses installed therein.

Preparation of a commercial profile to send you information adapted to your tastes and interests about activities, promotions and news of the shopping center that best suit your tastes and interests

Conservation: The personal data of the interested party will be kept until deletion is requested by the interested party.

Legitimation: Legitimate interest of the person responsible for the treatment

Recipients: The communication of personal data is not planned except in cases established by a legal obligation.

Methods of Obtaining: The personal data we process has been obtained from the interested party himself.

The categories of data processed are the following:

  • Identification data
  • Contact information

No specially protected data is processed


L. Wifi service users

Purpose: The personal data collected through the forms for connecting to the Wi-Fi service will be processed with the purpose of facilitating access and connection to the free Wi-Fi service courtesy of the Shopping Center for its customers.

Furthermore, if you give us your consent, we will use your data to send you information of interest about activities, offers and promotions of the shopping center or the businesses installed in it.

Conservation: Personal data relating to users connected to the Wi-Fi service will be kept for a maximum period of one year

The personal data of the interested party related to the sending of information electronically about activities and information of the shopping center will be kept until deletion is requested by the interested party.

Legitimation: The legitimation of the treatment is based on the execution of the contract for the provision of Wi-Fi service to customers of the shopping center.

Recipients: No data will be transferred to third parties except legal obligation

Methods of Obtaining: The personal data we process has been obtained from the interested party himself.

The categories of data processed are the following:

  • Identification data
  • Identification data of the terminal or equipment from which it is connected

No specially protected data is processed


M. Social networks

Purpose: Since the Espacio Mediterráneo Shopping Center has accounts or profiles on different social networks, we inform you that the data obtained through this activity will be processed within the social network itself for the purpose of interacting and maintaining contact and information. with the followers.

In the event that activities are scheduled on said social networks that involve different processing of the data of the interested parties, the privacy policy applicable to said processing will be informed.

Conservation: The personal data obtained from followers will be maintained as long as the interested party remains interested in the content generated by our accounts or social networks and remains a follower of it.

Legitimation: The legitimation of the treatment is based on the unequivocal consent of the user.

Recipients: No data will be transferred to third parties except legal obligation

Methods of Obtaining: The personal data we process has been obtained from the interested party himself.

The categories of data processed are the following:

  • Identification data

No specially protected data is processed


N. Lost objects

Purpose: Management of the lost and found service

Conservation: During the time necessary for purpose for which the data has been collected

Legitimation: Legitimate interest

Recipients: The communication of personal data is not planned except in cases established by a legal obligation.

Methods of Obtaining: The personal data we process has been obtained from the interested party himself.

The categories of data processed are the following:

  • Identification data
  • Contact information
  • Data on lost and returned items

No specially protected data is processed


O. Information and Reservation of Common Spaces

Purpose: Respond to your request for information and, where appropriate, manage the business relationship requested by the interested party.

Conservation: The candidate’s personal data will be kept until deletion is requested by the interested party.

Legitimation: Application of pre-contractual measures at the request of the interested party. Art. 6.1.b RGPD.

Recipients: If you authorize it, your data will be communicated to those responsible for the assets from whom you request information about the availability of spaces.

Methods of Obtaining: The personal data we process is obtained from the interested party himself.

The categories of data processed are the following:

  • Identification data.
  • Contact information
  • Commercial activity data
  • No specially protected data is processed


Rights of the Interested Party

You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether we are processing personal data that concerns you.

Interested persons have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

In certain circumstances, interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.

In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, interested parties may object to the processing of their data. In these cases, your data will not be processed except for legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

In certain circumstances, you will have the right to receive the personal data that concerns you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.

You can exercise your rights through the contact methods indicated in this policy (Email address or in person at our facilities), as well as obtain more information about your rights and access models for their exercise at the following web address:

Likewise, we inform you of your right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency if the request to exercise any right has not been correctly satisfied or if for any other reason you consider that your personal data is not being treated correctly. To do this, you can go to the following web address



This privacy policy is dated June 1, 2024 and any modification to its terms will be published on this website.